Shortcuts and Shortcut keys make our work a lot easier and save a much of time. Using shortcuts make us feel proud. I don't know about you but I love using them. But there are various programs and functions for which there is no shortcut assigned. For Example:- You created a file and saved it somewhere in your computer. Now Every time you open it you have to move through a number of folders and places. Which is so aggravating. What if, there is a shortcut or a shortcut key for your self created file. Isn't it amazing, huh!
So do you wanna know how to do it. Here You Go!
* Create a Shortcut.
1. Open the folder or directory that contains the program, you want shortcut for.
2. Right click on the program and select create shortcut.
3. This will create a shortcut named "Shortcut to <your program>" in the directory you are in. If you wish to rename this shortcut, right-click the file and click rename.
4. Once you perform all these steps you can drag the shortcut where ever, you want and can use it.
* Create a shortcut key for that shortcut.
Once you have created a shortcut you can also give it a shortcut key. Wanna see how? O.K. then.
1. Right click on the shortcut and select properties.
2. Go to new and click on shortcut.
3. A window will open.
7. Now the shortcut is ready. You can assign the shortcut a shortcut key using the same process as described above.
So do you wanna know how to do it. Here You Go!
* Create a Shortcut.
1. Open the folder or directory that contains the program, you want shortcut for.
2. Right click on the program and select create shortcut.
3. This will create a shortcut named "Shortcut to <your program>" in the directory you are in. If you wish to rename this shortcut, right-click the file and click rename.
4. Once you perform all these steps you can drag the shortcut where ever, you want and can use it.
* Create a shortcut key for that shortcut.
Once you have created a shortcut you can also give it a shortcut key. Wanna see how? O.K. then.
1. Right click on the shortcut and select properties.
2. Click on the shortcut tab.
3. Now Press the letter you want to use as shortcut. For example:- If you Press 'v', Then the shortcut will be CTRL+ALT+V. Now If you apply these settings and click O.K. then from the next time when ever you press CTRL and ALT and V at the same time the assigned program will open.
* Create a short for your webpage.
You can also create a shortcut for you favorite website and can access the website from the shortcut.
Steps you need to follow:-
1. You your browser is maximized, then first make it a window.
2. Click on the icon next to the web address in the address bar.
3. Drag the icon to the desktop or where ever you want.
4. Further if you want to assign the shortcut a shortcut key then right click on the shortcut.
5. Click on properties.
6. Go to shortcut tab.
7. Type the letter in the box which you want as a shortcut.
Now when you press ctrl + alt + letter the webpage will open in your default web browser.
Alternative Method.
There is a alternative method for this process.
1. For this Right click on the desktop at anyplace.
2. Go to new and click on shortcut.
3. A window will open.
4. In the 'Type the location of the Item' Box, type the full address of the website for example:- .
5. Click on next.
6. In the new window opened type the name of the shortcut and click finish.
7. Now the shortcut is ready. You can assign the shortcut a shortcut key using the same process as described above.
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