Some facebook Tips

Posted by Sahil
Social Media is a great way to explore the world and tell the world about you. Facebook is one of the best social media and I am sure you too have a facebook account and if not then go to
Now let me come to the point, there are several users including me who doesn't know much about Facebook and it's tricks. There's a lot hidden in facebook and related. So let's learn some of these.

1. Is there a friend of you with whom you don't want to share    your status update. 
Do you have a friend with whom you don't want your status update to be shared. It might be some secret. The trick to do this is very simple but generally common things are harder to catch. Below is a Picture tutorial to do that.



Under "Don't Share With" write the name/names of the people you don't want. Click on "Save Changes" They will not be able to see your status update. Isn't it easy?

2. Amazing Posted vias.

Think how fun it will be when you share your status and your friends seem confused on a common thing.

Have you noticed "via Carrier Pigeon". Think when Instead of " via mobile ", you will see " via bedroom ", or " via Ambulance ". Isn't it amazing. Yes it is and it's not a great and complex trick it's just a secret place. let's reveal it.
Just go to the address bar of your browser and type

Now click on the dropdown and select any delivery method.

Now click on update status a dialog box will open.

Write your status and click on share. Your message along with the delivery method will be displayed on tour facebook timeline.

3. Wanna get rid of your facebook Advertisements.

Many a time you can advertisement in the sidebar of facebook, which are annoying, space consuming and distracting there's a easy way to get rid of that shit. You need to download a program and follow the steps and then your facebook will be Add free.

So the software/Program you need to download is Facebook: Cleaner. Just Download this, It's amazing.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanx bro have u tried it believe me or not it's ossum. I surprised many friends.


Do you have any tips or query?