Shortcut Keys For Fast Action

Posted by Sahil

Shortcut keys enable us to easily perform various tasks. They provide a faster and more easier way of navigating computer softwares. Shortcut keys are commonly accessed by using the Alt (on IBM compatible computers), command key (on Apple computers), Ctrl, or Shift in conjunction with a single letter. The de facto standard for listing a shortcut is listing any shortcut key is, a plus symbol, followed by the single character. For example, "CTRL+O" tells you to press the CTRL key and while pressing the CTRL key, press the O key, in order to perform the shortcut i.e. open any file.

Understanding Shortcuts

It is very easy to know the shortcuts for many programs and use them. Can you notice the underlined letters in the image alongside.
First of all look at the Underlined F in the word 'File' in the menu bar. In order to access the file menu from keyboard you need to press the ALT key and along with ALT key press the F key ( ALT+F ) this will open the file menu. This rule is similar for all the options in the menu bar like Edit ( ALT+E ), View ( ALT+V ) etc.
But don't confuse if this rule doesn't work for sub menus included under menus. For example if you press ALT+N to open 'New' it will not work; instead you need to press CTRL+N. This will open New document. And this rule will apply to all other sub-menus too like CTRL+O for Open etc. you can also notice that some shortcuts of frequent use are listed in front of the sub menus. This rule is applicable to all the softwares. So half of yopur problems are solved here.
[ Note:- To see the underlined characters in some of the programs you need to press and hold the ALT key. Some new softwares instead of showing underlined word on pressing ALT key just show letters and you need to simply press those letters to open that menu or sub-menu. ]

Common Shortcuts

We are listing some common shortcuts that work with almost alI IBM compatible computers and software programs. If you succeed in memorizing all the shortcuts than this can gradually increase your working speed and hence your productivity. the list goes on:-

Shortcut Keys

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